Tagged: TV

20 Cystadenofibromas

This is a gynaecology ultrasound video which shows images of 20 cystadenofibromas – some of these have a typical appearance and others are more unusual.  This video shows you how to firstly describe the...

Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis

This gynaecology ultrasound video discusses how to diagnose endometriosis on pelvic ultrasound. The technique of scanning through the posterior vaginal fornix is demonstrated, as is the ultrasound appearance of normal bowel versus bowel affected...

Common Adnexal Masses

This is a gynaecology ultrasound video which demonstrates the most common adnexal masses and describes them using IOTA (International Ovarian Tumour Analysis group) terminology.  This descriptive process allows for ultrasound to move beyond the...

Suggested Reading (IOTA Papers)

This is a gynaecology ultrasound video with a selection of important papers from the IOTA (International Ovarian Tumour Analysis) group.  These papers are essential reading for anyone involved in diagnosing adnexal pathology, especially in...